Ich hätte mein Handy ausschalten sollen, aber diesmal habe ich das nicht gemacht. Mein Kopf ist immer da, um mir irgendwann einen Ratschlag zu geben: "du solltest das machen", "das hättest du nicht tun sollen", "du"..."du".. Und mein Herz? Es ist auch immer da, sich von mir verwöhnen zu lassen. Ich kann nicht mehr!!
Diesmal hat mein Herz stärker als nie zuvor geschlagen... Ich habe also mein Handy eingeschaltet!!
Ich hätte mein Handy ausschalten sollen, aber ich machte es nicht. Als es klingelte, war ich in der Sprachschule. Ich habe die Lautstärke gesenkt. Nach dem Unterricht erinnerte ich mich daran, dass ich es nicht ausgeschaltet habe. Ich musste einen Anruf von der Universität erhalten. Zum schluss habe ich keinen Studienplatz bekommen, aber ich ging in eine andere Stadt studieren.
Yaiza Pérez
Ich hätte mein Handy ausschalten sollen, aber ich wartete auf ihren anruf. Sie hat mir gesagt, wenn ich ihr ein schönes Bild gebe, würde sie mich küssen. Ich habe immer davon geträum, dass sie mich geküsst. Während ich auf ihren Anruf wartete, schaltete ich den Fernsehen ein, um die Nachrichten zu sehen. Alle haben über den Diebstahl eines Goya im Prado-Museum gesprochen. Ich hoffe, das Bild ist wirklich schön für sie.
José Antonio Martínez López, B2.1
Ich hätte mein Handy ausschalten sollen, aber ich musste mit meiner Familie sprechen. Mein Sohn war hier. Er ist geboren und wir waren sehr glücklich. Aber wir hatten viel Angst, weil wie sehr jung waren. Wir sollte viele Dinge vorbereiten...wir musste Milch kaufen, eine Wiege suchen und Windeln wechseln. Wir wurden Mutter und Vater. Das war wunderbar auch schrecklich.
Carlos Landa, B1
J´aurais dû éteindre mon portable mais… c´était le tonnerre qui m'avait fait une femme pétocharde.Je tremblais à cause du froid, de la nuit, de la solitude…C´était le même bruit que celui de la nuit de l'accident.
Ce soir- là, le tonnerre m´avait incité à sortir dehors. Soudain…ses yeux,mon angoisse,ses mains,ma jupe,son haleine, mes larmes, sa salive,mon cri…l´horreur.
Maintenant, encore, le tonnerre. Je suis cachée dans mon armoir. J'écoute les pas. Silence.
M Pilar Clavería Clavería
J’aurais dû éteindre mon portable, mais j’attendais un appel important pour moi. J’ai baissé un peu le volume de la radio dans ma voiture pour bien écouter mon chef et noter vite tout ce qu’il me disait. J’avais trop la tête ailleurs pour me souvenir de tout.
Je ne sais pas vraiment qu’est-ce qu’il est arrivé, je ne me souviens de rien. Autour de moi tous pleurent et laissent parler leurs tripes. Mes parents, mes amis et mon copain. Il se plaint aussi en disant: “ Elle était toujours au portable, elle n’écoutait pas ce que je lui disais…”. J’espère seulement qu’il ne m’oublie jamais et qu’il accomplira mon souhait de répandre, dans la mer, mes cendres.
María Rosario Navarro Jiménez, B1
J'aurais dû éteindre mon portable, mais je ne voulais pas, le concert était génial. Tout le monde était en train de filmer le spectacle, avec le portable. Mais j’ai préféré le voir de mes propres yeux. Quand le concert s’est terminé les gens ont eu beaucoup de vidéos sur leurs portables. Mais j’en ai beaucoup plus dans mon cœur. Le lendemain, surprise! Je suis moi-même apparu dans les journaux.
J’aurais dû éteindre mon portable, mais je n’ai pas pu. Elle était là, ma chère fille. Ses yeux bleus pétillants qui regardaient directement les miens, mais je ne pouvais pas tenir son regard, même si l’écran me protegeait d’une certaine façon. Elle était trop changée, sa barbe couvrait son visage délicat et moi, son père , je ne pouvais rien faire. J’ai baissé les yeux et j’ai commencé à sangloter.
I should have switched my mobile phone off but, forgotten in my pocket, its sound pounded my head like a drill.
Stunned by the effects of the alcohol that I had ingested, desperate to forget her looks, halfway between surprised and sad, when at last I dared to ask her "The Question" I barely managed to answer the call and, before I could shout an expletive, I heard her tearful voice babbling: "yes, yes, yes."
Alberto Ladaga, B2.2
I should have switched my mobile phone off but I didn’t and I recieved your call. Today writing this story I remember that moment.
“I’m the love of your life” you told me on 14th February. I didn’t know that you existed but you were right. I’m a Young girl and I don’t believe in love but I fell in love with that female voice. She´s the love of my life.
My worst day of the week
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but I didn't.... I can still see my son's face !!!
On Wednesday I go to read to his class, when I read my mobile sounds... Oh my God!!!.
Everyone laughs, but my son is like a big tomato!!! I take out my mobile... and turn it off!!! I say sorry!!.
I thought I had switched it off.... I can't believe it!!.
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but I did not do it, and at 4 a.m. it rang.
It was then when I was blinded by a dazzling light and deafened by bewildering sounds. The only thing I could see was some weird shapes dragging somebody and disappearing in the sky.
Next day, first thing I saw was hordes of people wandering the streets, seeking their loved ones.
What was going on?
By Mª Pilar Lanuza Zamora, C1.1
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but I completely forgot to do it. That was my moment: the empty house, my favourite music being played, a delightful smell of bath salts and me inside the warm water of my bathtub. Relaxed, calm… I could breathe peace. I wondered whether all the stars had lined up that afternoon.
Suddenly, my mobile phone rang. After a great crashing sound, I could see tiny black and silvery pieces scattered all through my bathroom floor.
SRC (2nd. Intermediate)
Go to the theatre?
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but… it's ringing, I look for it in my bag, but I can't find it, it's terrible! The actor stops the play and says “lady can you leave the room, please?” I put my coat on my head, I don’t want anyone to see me, but I don’t see either, I’m wrong so, I take a woman’s bag; she shouts “thief”. I want to die! Then the actor says “relax lady, it isn’t your phone that sounds, it’s a joke”
Carmen Campos Enjuto A1
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but I left it on once again... I had
never given up the idea of receiving the call even though my hopes kept fading
day after day.
Many years had passed and I guess we both had moved on. Or at least, we were
supossed to have done so.
I looked at the phone, saw my reflection on the screen... and suddenly, a beep.
Iria Belenda
Group 318
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but… I thought better of it and left it on in case there was an emergency. I was awakened by barking and meowing, I got up, looked through the window at the sky and saw the red moon, beautiful and huge.
As if the legend had come true, there was the wolf watching me from the garden. I quickly picked up the phone however, I felt that it was no longer necessary.
Maria Betrán Torner
The Call
I should have turned off the phone but it was too late, I had received the call. I was a film producer. We were shooting a movie in an abandoned hospital at night. The use of phones was banned but I forgot. The staff had gone I was checking the location and suddenly, I felt someone brushed past my hand, I wanted to run away but someone whispered : it's your turn.
Raquel González, Inglés B2.1
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but now the battery is almost drained and we are done....., besides, who are we supposed to call for help? There is nobody out there. In fact, there is no out there anymore, how long since we last saw any sign of life? Our light is fading away, I can feel them stalking us among the shadows, waiting for the upcoming darkness.
Oscar Martinez Corral
I should have switched my mobile off, but suddenly the phone started ringing, just when I was having an interview, after having submitted an application for a new job.
It was my mum telling me:
-“Paul, why are you so terribly lazy?”
-“You have left your bed unmade another time”.
The interviewer was looking at me, and I thought it would have been better not to get up that morning.
English. Group 314. B2.1
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but…
I was very far from home and that night I left it next to my bed. I closed my eyes...soon I was on the grass, in the mountains. There was a lake which became bigger when I I looked at it. Suddenly the water surrounded me while I was listening to a well-known music. The ground had disappeared. I tried swimming and the music sounded louder and louder….
It was a call which was going to change my life.
Soledad Cereceda Berdiel
I should have switched my mobile phone off but I forgot to. The performance started. Everything was going perfectly, just when I began speaking, the phone sounded louder than ever. I had to answer. I wanted the audience to believe that it was part of the play. I improvised. Imagine: Electra speaking by phone with his brother about killing their mother . It was cool! We got a great ovation.
Alicia Chesa
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but I forgot. At three a.m. a noisy sound woke up …. It was my mother: She didn´t feel well. I got up, I put some clothes on and I went to her house. My mother, who is eighty years old, had fallen down. She was very nervous, crying and praying...she couldn´t more. We went to the hospital and while the doctors were helping her, I missed my flight...in the waiting room.
M.ª Dolores Mañas Viejo - A2
I should have switched my mobile phone off but … I didn´t. I was at the cinema watching an action film, and just at the moment when the main character was expecting an extremely important call , my mobile started to ring. The ringtone was “ I just called to say I love you” by Stevie Wonder. To my surprise, the public instead of becoming angry started to laugh, but I felt extremely embarrased.
C. Sánchez 318
I should have switched my mobile phone off, but… It is necessary to work, and to communicate with people who are important to me. Sometimes I would like to turn off the mobile phone, since we always are conditioned to go out with it because otherwise the world will apart hahaha. The truth is that nowadays it is impossible to do that since we have become dependent on our mobile. Even so, I really think that it is important to switch it off, maybe not during the week but perhaps when you go on holiday with your family because you may then realise that you do not have to use it,unless there is an emergency. You will probably enjoy that moment more and have the best experiences ever.
Alejandra Chavarria
70 parole
Avrei dovuto spegnere il telefonino, ma l’avevo gettato sul letto. Ma ero furiosa.
Le sue parole erano crudeli e dolorose. Non volevo sentirlo piú. Mi aveva
spezzato il cuore. All’inferno.
Dopo 10 minuti la polizia era arrivata. Il ladro era entrato dalla inestra della
cucina. Io non avevo notato nulla. Mio marito, però, aveva sentito le minacce, i
colpi e le urla. Prima di abbandonarmi mi aveva salvato la vita.